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- Prior to peer review you get access and can improve your manuscript due to being free of charge and full language editing report at point of submission.
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- Ensure that all published manuscripts undergo an in-depth peer review process.
- Quick, efficient publication with full transparency on all publishing metrics.
- Wider impact, vast reach, and huge visibility of your research through open access..
Double Blind Peer Review Process
This journal follows a Double-blind reviewing procedure. Authors are therefore only requested to submit the full version including all author names and affiliations.
For more details about the review process, please click [link- peer review process].
Plagiarism is copying of an idea, thought, and text of someone else without proper citation and presenting it as one’s own idea or thought work.It is the responsibility of the author to obtain the permission of the previous author to reuse or republish his work.
Authors are responsible for ensuring that their works are original and that any content that is not wholly their own is fully acknowledged. Law Journals uses software such as Viper, Plagiarism checker, and copyscape to ensure that copy-free content is accepted and published. (i.e., replicating any content without acknowledgement and permission) and considers the authors' inclusion of plagiarized content to be misconduct.
Law Journals uses software such as Viper, Plagiarism checker, and copy scape to ensure that copy-free content is accepted and published.
Authors should ensure that the manuscript that they are submitting is plagiarism-free and all the citations are properly provided at the right place. It should also be noted that citations do not justify mass copying of content to which the owner has the rights.
Authorship Criteria
- Only authors who made a major contribution to the study's conception, design, implementation, or interpretation should be listed as authors.
- An Authorship/copyright Form must be completed and submitted by each of the authors.
- The corresponding author ensures that the author list includes all contributing co-authors and no uninvolved individuals.
- Once the manuscript is submitted, the order cannot be changed without the written consent of all the contributors.
- Rejection of Manuscript
- Once the manuscript is rejected authors can take advice from the commissioning editor on how to make desired corrections in the manuscript.
- After the desired corrections have been made then only the author can resubmit the manuscript again.
Manuscript Submission
- Please follow the hyperlink “Submit manuscript” and upload all of your manuscript files following the instructions given on the screen.
- Manuscripts should be submitted by one of the authors of the manuscript
- There is no limit to the length of the manuscript and all the relevant editable source files should be in electronic Word (.doc, .docx, .odt, .rtf, .txt) files can be submitted through the manuscript submission system. Special characters should not be included in the file name of the main manuscript file. Failing to submit a complete set of editable source files will result in your article not being considered for review.
- Submissions by anyone other than one of the authors will not be accepted. The submitting author takes responsibility for the manuscript during submission and peer review.
- For technical help, please contact [email protected].
Terms of submission
- Manuscripts submitted should neither be published previously nor be under consideration for publication in another journal.
- The submitting author is responsible for ensuring that the article’s publication has been approved by all the other coauthors and all eligible co-authors have been included in the author list.
- It is a condition of submission that the authors permit editing of the manuscript for readability.
- It is also the submitting author’s responsibility to ensure that the article has all necessary institutional approvals.
- Only an acknowledgement from the editorial office officially establishes the date of receipt. Further correspondence and proofs will be sent to the author(s) before publication, unless indicated otherwise.
- We do not have strict formatting requirements, but all manuscripts must contain the required sections: Author Information, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results, Conclusions, Figures and Tables with Captions, Funding Information, Author Contributions, Conflict of Interest and other Ethics Statements.
- Check the Journal Instructions for Authors for more details.
- All inquiries concerning the publication of accepted manuscripts should be addressed to [email protected]. All submissions are bound by STM’s terms of service.
Title page & Format
The journal will consider the following article types:-
- Research & Reviews
- Research Articles- These articles report research work or original research findings that have not been published and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The length of the article should not normally exceed 7000 words. An abstract of less than 250 words is preferred.
- Review Articles- These contributions are usually commissioned by the Journal However, high-quality unsolicited review articles are also considered. These articles review and discuss developments in a given domain. These are expected to be well-focused and organized, and refrain from adopting a general ‘textbook’ style. The length of the review article should not exceed 6000 words. An abstract of less than 250 words is preferred. The number of references should be limited to about 100 in number.
- Case analysis- It can be related to a summary of any case, or in any particular domain related to cyber cases, criminal cases, civil disputes, or others.
Format:- All manuscripts should include line numbers and should be under the following the structure guidelines:
- Author Details:-Authors are encouraged to add a profile (maximum 200 words) to the submission and publish it. This should be a single paragraph and containing:
- Authors’ full names followed by current positions;
- Education background including institution information and year of graduation (type and level of degree received);
- Work experience;
- Current and previous research interests;
- Memberships of professional societies and awards receivedIf available, the 16-digit ORCID of the author(s)If address information is provided with the affiliation(s) it will also be published.or authors that are (temporarily) unaffiliated we will only capture their city and country of residence, not their email address unless specifically requested.
- Abstract:- The manuscript should contain an abstract which should define the purpose of the work and its significance, including specific hypotheses being tested. It should be self-contained, citation-free, and should not exceed 300 words along with an introduction that should be concise and have no sub headings. The current state of the research field should be reviewed carefully and key publications cited. Please highlight controversial and diverging hypotheses when necessary. The abstract should contain mainly the main aim of the work and highlight the main conclusions.
- Keywords:-Please provide 4 to 6 keywords which can be used for indexing purposes.
- Materials and methods:- The methods section should provide enough detail for others to be able to replicate the study and build on published results. If you have more than one method, use subsections with relevant headings, STM journals have no space restriction on methods. Detailed descriptions of the methods (including protocols or project descriptions) and algorithms may also be uploaded as supplementary information or a previous publication that gives more details may be cited. If the method from a previous article or any tool introduced in the study including software, questionnaires, and scales is used, if wording is reused, then this article must be cited and discussed. If an existing method or tool is used in the research, the authors are responsible for checking the license and obtaining any necessary permission. If permission was required, a statement confirming permission was granted should be included in the materials and methods section.
- Publishing etiquette:- This is an open access website that allows researchers to record their methods in a structured way, obtain a DOI to allow easy citation of the protocol, collaborate with selected colleagues, share their protocol privately for journal peer review, and choose to make it publicly available. Once published, the protocol can be updated and cited in other articles. You can make your protocol public before publication of your article if you choose, which will not harm the peer review process of your article and may allow you to get comments about your methods to adapt or improve them before you submit your article.
- Statements and Declarations:- The following statements should be included under the heading "Statements and Declarations" for inclusion in the published paper. Please note that submissions which do not include relevant declarations will be returned as incomplete.
- Funding statement:- Authors must state how the research and publication of their article was funded, by naming a financially supporting body(s) (written out in full) followed by associated grant number(s) in square brackets (if applicable). Note that some funders will not refund article processing charges (APC) if the funder and grant number are not clearly and correctly identified in the paper. If the research did not receive specific funding, but was performed as part of the employment of the authors, please name this employer. If the funder was involved in the manuscript writing, editing, approval, or decision to publish, please declare this.
- Please see the submission guidelines for further information
- Author Details:-Authors are encouraged to add a profile (maximum 200 words) to the submission and publish it. This should be a single paragraph and containing:
- Text Formattings:-
- Manuscripts should be submitted in Word.
- Use a normal, plain font (e.g., 10-point Times Roman) for text.
- Use italics for emphasis.
- Use the automatic page numbering function to number the pages.
- Do not use field functions.
- Use tab stops or other commands for indents, not the spacebar.
- Use the table function, not spreadsheets, to make tables.
- Use the equation editor or MathType for equations.
- Save your file in docx format (Word 2007 or higher) or doc format (older Word versions).
- Abbreviations should be defined at first mention and used consistently thereafter.
- Footnotes can be used to give additional information, which may include the citation of a reference included in the reference list. Always use footnotes instead of end notes.
- Acknowledgements of people, grants, funds, etc. should be placed in a separate section on the title page. The names of funding organizations should be written in full.
- Conclusions:-This section is not mandatory however it should clearly explain the main conclusions of the article, highlighting its importance and relevance depending on the length of the discussion and the manuscript.
- References:-
- Citation:-Reference citations in the text should be identified by numbers in square brackets. Some examples:
- Negotiation research spans many disciplines [3].
- This result was later contradicted by Becker and Seligman [5].
- This effect has been widely studied [1-3, 7].
- Reference list:-Authors may submit their references in any style. Authors are responsible for ensuring that the information in each reference is complete, accurate and should be numbered consecutively in the order of their first citation.
- Citation:-Reference citations in the text should be identified by numbers in square brackets. Some examples:
- Acknowledgements:-All acknowledgements (if any) should be included at the very end of the manuscript before the references. Anyone who made a contribution to the research or manuscript, but who is not a listed author, should be acknowledged (with their permission).
Integrity of research and reporting
- Ethical guidelines :-Manuscripts submitted for publication must contain a declaration that all the experiments comply with the current laws of the country in which they were performed. Please include this note in a separate section before the reference list.
- Conflicts of interest:-Conflicts of interest (COIs, also known as ‘competing interests’) occur when issues outside research could be reasonably perceived to affect the neutrality or objectivity of the work or its assessment. For more information, see our Publication Policy. Authors must declare all potential interests – whether or not they actually had an influence – in the conflicts of interest section, which should explain why the interest may be a conflict. If there are none, the authors should state: “The author(s) declare(s) that there is no conflict of interest regarding the publication of this article”. Submitting authors are responsible for coauthors declaring their interests. Declared conflicts of interest will be considered by the editor and reviewers, and included in the published article.
- Authors must identify and declare any personal circumstances or interest that may be perceived as influencing the representation or interpretation of reported research results. Authors should explain why each interest may represent a conflict. If no conflicts exist, the authors should state this. Submitting authors are responsible for coauthors declaring their interests.
- Authors must declare current or recent funding (including for article processing charges) and other payments, goods or services that might influence the work. All funding, whether a conflict or not, must be declared in the funding statement. The involvement of anyone other than the authors who:
- has an interest in the outcome of the work;
- is affiliated to an organization with such an interest;
- was employed or paid by a funder, in the commissioning, conception, planning, design, conduct, or analysis of the work, the preparation or editing of the manuscript, or the decision to publish must be declared.
- Editorial Independence:-Without the influence of the publisher or any external bodies, the editors have the power to choose which pieces to consider for publishing and which to accept or reject.
- Copyright and permissions:-Authors are responsible for ensuring that their works are original and that any content that is not wholly their own is fully acknowledged. The journal will use various software to check manuscripts for plagiarism (i.e., replicating any content without acknowledgement and permission) and considers the authors' inclusion of plagiarised content to be misconduct.The Authors may retain the copyright of their manuscripts, and all open access articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided that the original work is properly cited.
- Plagiarism:-Plagiarism is copying of an idea, thought, and text of someone else without proper citation and presenting it as one’s own idea or thought work.It is the responsibility of the author to obtain the permission of the previous author to reuse or republish his work.
- Law Journals uses software such as Viper, Plagiarism checker, and copy scape to ensure that copy-free content is accepted and published.
- Authors should ensure that the manuscript that they are submitting is plagiarism-free and all the citations are properly provided at the right place. It should also be noted that citations do not justify mass copying of content to which the owner has the rights.
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Author Responsibilities
While determining the authorship, the prime principle is to look for the person(s) who is the creator of thought/embodied idea (conception, design, execution, or analysis and interpretation of data). Authors should ensure that all those who have made significant contributions are given the opportunity to be graded as authors. Authors should be practically involved in drafting the article, its revision, and appraisal. Other individuals who have also contributed to the study should be duly acknowledged. Manuscripts should include a full list of the current institutional affiliations of all authors, both academic and corporate. The order in the authorship has to be a joint decision of all the participating authors. Some co-authors will be accountable for the entire article, for instance, those who provide critical data, write the manuscript, or provide leadership to the junior fellows. Other co-authors may be responsible for some specific contributions to a paper. It is unethical to publish articles describing essentially the same studies or results in more than one primary research journal. Submitting the same article in more than one journal in parallel is unethical and unacceptable. Submission of a manuscript to the Journal for its consideration of publication implies that the manuscript is free from any kind of conflicts/irregularities including those discussed above. Manuscripts depicting studies in which animal trials have been conducted must document that the study was approved by an ethical review board before it was done.Few authors who are unable to submit manuscripts in a decent written format with grammatical and language errors and who request assistance for the same will be charged.
- Only two papers from one university will be accepted in one journal (per ISSUE).
- In the ISSUE, an author can only submit one paper.
Peer- Review
All manuscripts are initially evaluated by the editors. It's uncommon, but it's possible that excellent work will be accepted at this point. Those who are rejected at this stage have major scientific problems or are outside the journal's purpose and scope. Those that fulfill the basic requirements are sent to at least two specialists for evaluation. Authors of submissions that are rejected at this stage will be notified within two weeks of receipt or will be given recommendations for resubmission from reviewers.
Without going through the regular peer review process, manuscripts containing plagiarism, significant highly technical errors, or a lack of a relevant message are rejected. Manuscripts that do not fall within the scope of the Journal may also be rejected at this stage.
After Acceptance:-
The author will be notified of the final decision to accept or reject the submission, as well as any recommendations provided by the reviewers, which may include direct remarks from the reviewers.
If an author desires to appeal a peer review decision, he or she should write to the Editors-in-Chief and discuss the problem. Appeals will be successful only if the reviews were insufficient or unjust. If this is the case, the document will be submitted to new reviewers who have agreed to re-review it.
After receiving comments from reviewers/Referees, members of the Editorial Board teams have the authority to make the final decision on publication. The corresponding author will be notified of the acceptance, rejection, or amendment of the paper.
If there are any minor or large changes, the corresponding author should send an orderly response to each of the reviewers' comments and a revised version of the manuscript to the editor.
The paper will not be accepted for publication until it has been approved by the editor and reviewers/referees.
Articles would be copy-edited for grammar, punctuation, print style, and format if they were accepted. Page proofs will be given to the appropriate author and must be returned within three days, with or without corrections.
During the submission and review process, the corresponding author (or coauthor designated) will act as the primary correspondent with the editorial office on behalf of all co-authors.
The journal carefully adheres to the double-blind review method, in which neither the author nor the reviewer is aware of the other's identity.
Although authors are invited to recommend reviewers, the Editor-in-Chief and the editorial office have the right to choose different reviewers. The authors are in the best position to know who is an expert in the topic, thus they are asked to nominate reviewers. Furthermore, the suggested reviewers might be appropriate for other papers on the same subject. As a result, getting these names can assist the editorial office in ensuring that appropriate persons are contacted to examine all articles.
Galley Proof:- Journal makes available (through the internet) the final camera-ready copy (revised version, if any) of a manuscript to the principal author/author responsible for correspondence, for final proofreading/check. No changes in the accepted thought contents are allowed at this stage. The Authors should note that the ultimate responsibility for ensuring the accuracy, the inclusion of up-to-date suggested revisions rests upon them.
Camera Ready Format:-Manuscript submitted as per Camera-ready format will be published with discounted publishing charges.Please visit the link below to submit your manuscript as per Camera-ready format.
Misconduct:- No journal is competent to sue such cases. We believe that employers have the prime responsibility for ensuring their researchers and conducting ethical training.
Journal like other journals, do not have the resources or legal legitimacy to investigate scientific misconduct.
However, the Publication Management Team of the Journal may seek advice/ information from a concerned referee or editorial board member, in case it comes/ brought to its notice, evidence that trust has been significantly compromised by an author or referee's actions.
We may attempt to redress the matter by appropriate corrections in the Journal and if deemed fit may communicate (as per Journal norms) to the employers or funding agencies.
If an author, reviewer, reader, or other individual has a complaint about the journal or its editors, they should first contact the publisher. The complaint will be handled by the appropriate publishing or editorial person whenever possible. If a resolution isn't sufficient, it will be forwarded to a higher-ranking official for resolution.