Publication Ethics
Publication Ethics & Malpractice Statement
STM Journals is a publisher of 100+ multidisciplinary Journals in the areas of Science Technology and Medical. STM Journals serves to the worldwide academic communities and contributes to the progress and application of science, by delivering superior scientific publications that enable advancement in scientific research. All contributions to the journal are rigorously refereed and are selected on the basis of quality and originality of the work. The journal publishes the most significant new researches and review works in all areas pertaining to its scope, thus ensuring its scientific priority and significance. STM Journals recognizes its responsibility as a publisher in keeping intact the ethical standard sat all the stages of publication. STM Journals adheres to strict publication ethics, to set guidelines in order to meet these requirements. We as Publishers maintain the integrity of the academic record and foster editorial independence and review our journal policies periodically and communicate the policies to all our Editors, Peer-reviewers and Authors. We have listed below the ethical responsibilities of the Editors, Peer-reviewers and Authors to meet these standards.
Ethical Responsibilities
For Editors
- To ensure that evaluation of manuscripts is solely based on the intellectual content without regard to race, gender, origin or belief of the authors and to ensure unbiased review.
- Strive to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of the manuscript.
- Adopting processes that encourage accuracy, completeness and clarity of research reporting including technical editing and the use of appropriate guidelines and checklists.
- To have a process in place to assure the quality of the manuscript they publish and monitor the performance of peer reviewers to ensure good quality.
- Ensure people involved in the Editorial process receive adequate training and are up-to-date with the latest guidelines about peer review and Journal management.
- To actively seek the views of authors, and publish guidance and have a mechanism for authors to appeal against editorial decisions.
For Peer-Reviewers
- To respect the confidentiality and integrity of peer review and not reveal any details during or after the peer-review process.
- To assist the Editors and Editorial Board in making Editorial decisions and be objective and constructive in their reviews and provide feedback that will help the authors to improve their manuscript.
- Notify the Editor immediately about any ethical aspects of the work and alert the editors regarding any concurrent submission to other Journals.
- Declare if they do not have the subject expertise, and only agree to review if they are fairly confident to return a review within the proposed time frame.
- Contact the Editor if anything relevant comes to light after they have submitted their review that might affect their original feedback and recommendations.
For Authors
- The Authors should not publish the same content in more than one journal, submitting such contents for multiple publications is unethical publication behavior and is unacceptable.
- Authors should ensure they have written and submitted original works and the content should be free from plagiarism.
- Those who have made a contribution in the design, execution and interpretation of the study should be listed as coauthors, others who have participated should be acknowledged.
- Authors should acknowledge the work of others, that has been used or that has provided support/inspiration in their research and this must be appropriately cited/quoted.
- Authors should provide an accurate account of their work done and source the material of experiments and research results accurately.
- Authors/contributors must be honest in making claims for the results and conclusions of their research. The manuscript is free from copyright infringement.
- Manuscripts depicting studies in which animals trials have been conducted must document that an ethical review board approved the study before it was done.
- Sources of funding should be duly acknowledged, and disclose any conflict of interest to influence the results or interpretation of their manuscripts.
- Any inaccuracy or significant error in his/her published work should be notified to the Journal Editor and the author should cooperate with the Editor to correct the manuscript.
Publishing Ethics
- Ensure that research material published conforms to internationally accepted ethical guidelines.
- Duplication of any published work is unacceptable.
- If a paper is identified as fraudulent, it should be retracted, and the retraction should be clearly identifiable to readers and indexing systems.
- Preclude business needs from compromising intellectual standards.
Unethical Behavior/Misconduct
- Any Misconduct should be provided with sufficient information and evidence.
- We believe that employers (research organizations/institutions) have the prime responsibility for ensuring their researchers conduct. Publication houses do not have the resources or legal legitimacy to investigate scientific misconduct.
- However, Publication Management Team of the Journal may seek advice/information from a concerned referee or editorial board member, in case it is brought to its notice, with evidence that trust has been significantly compromised by authors or referees actions.