International Journal of Algorithms Design and Analysis Review is a peer-reviewed hybrid open-access journal launched in 2015 that focuses on original research and practice-driven application with relevance to algorithms designs and analysis. All articles included are peer-reviewed by scholars with colossal experience in the same fields. Dynamic programming, amortized analysis, and linear programming are major focus areas.


International Journal of Algorithms Design and Analysis Review

Journal Abbreviation


Issues Per Year

2 issues


STM Journals, An imprint of Consortium e-Learning Network Pvt. Ltd.




STM Journals, An imprint of Consortium e-Learning Network Pvt. Ltd.

Starting Year






Publication Format

Hybrid, and Open Access

Type of Publication

Peer-reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)



STM Journals, An imprint of Consortium e-Learning Network Pvt. Ltd.
A-118, 1st Floor, Sector-63, Noida, U.P. India, Pin - 201301


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Refreed Journal

Focus and Scope

  • Divide and conquer: Wind energy forecasting, data preprocessing, extreme learning machine, Delaunay triangulation, uniform grids, Machine-to-Machine (M2M), Big Data, system architecture, Hadoop, Data fusion domain, Quick sort, Merge sort, sorting, worst case, Best case, Ni-based single crystal superalloy, Creep property prediction, Machine learning, Alloy design, Meta-heuristics, Ant System, Decomposition, Vehicle Routing Problem, cypress, design strategies, Regions of interest, Computer-aided design, parametric surfaces, surface intersection, Fuzzy Cognitive Maps, Qualitative modeling, Inductive learning, Genetic algorithms, Parallel genetic algorithms.

  • Dynamic programming: Markov decision processes (MDPs), Robust adaptive dynamic programming (RADP), Robust optimal control, Nonlinear systems, Dynamic uncertainty, Combinatorial optimization, Traveling salesman problem, Shortest path problem, reinforcement learning, Energy management strategy, Rule-based, Plug-in hybrid electric bus, Hardware-in-loop, Supplier selection, Order allocation, Multiple criteria decision-making, Decision-theoretic planning, Bayesian networks, Regression, Decision trees, Abstraction, Energy management, Driving pattern recognition, Approximation algorithms, Computational biology.

  • Greedy algorithms: Traveling salesman problem, Combinatorial optimization, Maximum weighted independent set, Caro–Wei theorem, Approximation algorithms, Minimum cover, Partial cover, Set cover, Routing, Spectrum and core assignment, Inter-core crosstalk, Elastic optical network, Multi-core fiber, Space division multiplexing, Flowshop, Blocking, Makespan, Iterated local search, Multiprocessor tasks scheduling problems, Parallel greedy algorithm, No-wait flow shop, Iterated greedy algorithm, Tabu search, Makespan, Scheduling problem, Total weighted earliness and tardiness, Due date, Idle time insertion method, Meta-heuristic algorithm.

  • Backtracking: Swarm intelligence, Evolutionary algorithms, Differential evolution, Numerical optimization, Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test, flow shop scheduling problems (PFSPs), Parameter identification, Photovoltaic model, Backtracking search algorithm, Multiple learning, Cooperative co-evolution algorithms, Multi-swarm optimization, Equilibrium optimization, Multiverse optimizer, Meta-heuristics, Position optimization, Renewable energy, Wave energy converters, Particle swarm optimization, Whale optimization algorithm, Moth-flame optimization algorithm, Algorithm, Optimization, Home energy management system, Binary backtracking search algorithm (BBSA), Residential demand response, Energy efficiency, Schedule controller, Job block knowledge.

  • Algorithmic languages: Speech production, Modification algorithms, ALGOL 60, Concurrency, Semantics, Closure properties, Temporal logic, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), Group-Constrained Subject-Specific (GSS), High-level vision, Subjectivity, Category-selectivity, Declarative Debugging, Object-Oriented Languages, Emerging properties, Neurogenetic model, Genotype-phenotype relation, Genetic symmetry breaking, Adaptive evolution, Complex error function, Voigt function, Faddeeva function, Weideman’s algorithm, Game semantics, Regular languages, Work system perspective, Facets of work, Degrees of smartness.

  • Amortized analysis: Geometric data structures, Quadtrees, Subdivision, Approximation algorithms, Analysis of algorithms, Graph algorithms, Maximum weight matching, path compression, disjoint set union, data structures, amortized efficiency, Vertex cover, Parameterized algorithm, NP-complete problem, Branch-and-search, Distributed computing, Concurrent data structures, amortized complexity, potential function, functional programming, splay trees, Topology computation, Algebraic curve, Graph exploration, Online algorithms, Maximum strip recovery, FPT algorithm, Kernelization, Storage allocation, Paired stacks.

  • Linear programming: Fuzzy mathematical programming, Fuzzy constraint, Fuzzy goal, Possibility measure, Necessity measure, Simplex method, Stochastic programming, Portfolio selection, phase equilibria, geodynamics, devolatilization, decarbonization, subduction, seismic tomography, Multicriteria technique, Supplier selection, Energy efficiency, Undesirable outputs, Data envelopment analysis, Discrete optimization, Deformable registration, Multi-objective linear programming (MOLP), Carbon emission, Greenhouse gas, Textile supply chain.

  • Linear-time sorting: Computational biology, Pattern matching, String algorithms, Suffix array, Permutation pattern matching, Pattern matching, Knuth–Morris–Pratt algorithm, Analysis of algorithms, Suffix sorting, autoignition, Index data structures, Modular decomposition, Algorithm Tournaments, Directed graphs, Partitive families, Tree-decomposable families, 2-structures, Matching, Maximum weight matching, computational geometry, data structures, Interval graphs, Breadth-first search, Unit interval graphs, Proper interval graphs, Design of algorithms.

  • Advanced algorithm design: Metaheuristic algorithms, Optimization algorithms, Evolutionary algorithms, Genetic algorithm, Parameter control, Differential evolution, Adaptive differential evolution, Review, Electron tomography, Reconstruction, ASTRA Toolbox, Dual-axis, Computer-aided design, Computational design, Generative design, Parametric design, Ensemble learning, Boosting, AdaBoost, generalization error, classification margin, multiclass classification, Flyback converter, Dspic30f4011 control circuit, maximum power point tracking (MPPT) experimental design, Modified incremental conductance MPPT algorithm, Variable step size MPPT algorithm, Integration, Collaboration, Semi-rigid connection.

  • Randomized algorithms: Networked control systems, Distributed randomized algorithms, Opinion formation, Centrality computation, PageRank, Power systems estimation, neural networks, machine learning, computer vision, randomization, Block urn design, Sequential clinical trial, Treatment imbalance, Allocation randomness, Deterministic assignment, Correct guess, least square method, Low rank, Matrix, SVD, Lanczos, controller parameters, statistical learning theory, Proof of partial and total correctness, Functional language, Axiomatic semantics, Probability framing, Call-by-value, Monadic interpretation.


Submission of Paper:

All contributions to the journal are rigorously refereed and are selected on the basis of quality and originality of the work. The journal publishes the most significant new research papers or any other original contribution in the form of reviews and reports on new concepts in all areas pertaining to its scope and research being done in the world, thus ensuring its scientific priority and significance.

Manuscripts are invited from academicians, students, research scholars and faculties for publication consideration. Papers are accepted for editorial consideration through mail  [email protected].

Plagiarism: All the articles will be check through Plagiarism Software before publication.  

Subject: Algorithms Design and Analysis

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